His ride had been cut short by an unfortunate incident...losing his saddle! Yup...that's right. He lost his saddle somewhere along the way. It appeared, from a photo he sent me via his cell phone, that his seatpost was very much intact. The rails for the seat were still attached to the post, but the seat itself was gone. It did not look like a comfortable ride and he had to finish the ride in a standing position. It's a good thing we did those 60 to 90 minute out of the saddle rides in spin class. Good practice!
Sunday, we did a very hard sixty-miler with killer hills, but my legs felt surprisingly good despite the previous days effort. I managed a fairly easy two hours of riding and logged only around 21 miles, but it did feel good to get out and keep the legs going.
That means he will be sleeping and resting comfortably in no time.
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