Saturday, April 5, 2008

Spring Cleaning & Cooking Out

I did my best to take advantage of the weather today. Rode with the amigos - 1 this morning. After showing and eating lunch I went to to Home Depot and Lowe's to pick up some items for the house and then made a trip to Byerly's for steaks. Upon returning home I proceeded to clean the garage in earnest. A winters worth of dirt, grit, salt, and yuck had accumulated on the floor and it was in dire need of serious cleaning. I pulled what I could out of the garage, swept it out, hosed it down, scrubbed it with a broom, and hosed it down again. After all this I looked at my bike and decided that I should clean that also. The roads are far from clean and my bike accumulated quite a bit of dust and other road grit. I must say that right now it looks shiny and new. The garage also looks quite nice.

If you don't know me I should tell you now that when it comes to my car, cycling, camping, climbing gear, or anything of the sort, I am very annal about keeping it clean, new looking, and in good operating condition. I often get teased by the my cycling friends about how clean my bike looks. I've also taking a good deal of grief from others about my obsession with keeping things neat and tidy, especially my bikes.

Patti and I also decided to take advantage of the weather and do some grilling. Ahhhh! nothing like a fine steak on the grill to go along with some steamed veggies, potatoes, and a bottle of fine red wine.

Soon a good deal of my time will have to go into yard work and other spring cleaning chores. Unfortunately, we live in one of these nice suburban neighborhoods (Oh! how I miss the urban life sometimes) where all the neighbors are fanatical about the lawns and the money put into property taxes could buy a great new mtn. bike or road bike. While I'm out cycling and playing on the weekends they spend all their time working to keep their lawns and flower beds looking immaculate.

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