Sunday, April 24, 2011


the sun shines and things begin to dry up a bit, at least for the next day or two. It has been a cold and wet spring so far, but today was perfect and tomorrow will be much the same.

I rode primarily paved trails, but did get off on some of the horse trails and gravel. It was good to see that people are staying off the new single track. There is still work that needs to be done and MORC has asked that riders stay off until it is officially open. So far, so good.

Signs of spring and rebirth

The gravel was relatively dry, but the grass horse trails are still pretty damp and muddy.

Some of the low lying areas are still quite wet. I wasn't sure how deep this crossing was, but I wasn't interested in finding out. I may have to get the road bike out tomorrow.

1 comment:

Boz said...

What a great day it was, and the coming week looks to be even better. Love your new banner photo. Sepia and chrome. Very nice!